(239) 418-1939
Mon-Fri 9.00-5:00

Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

(239) 418-1939
10181 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Suite B

Fort Myers, FL 33966

Credit Card Payoff

How long will it take to pay off my credit card(s)? Americans today owe more money than ever before. The fact that 'interest never sleeps' means that the situation will continue to worsen unless steps are taken at the individual level to reduce or eliminate debt. Additional monthly payments can make a difference to accelerate [...]

Home of Affordability

How Much House Can I Afford? When you're buying a home, mortgage lenders don't look just at your income, assets, and the down payment you have. They look at all of your liabilities and obligations as well, including auto loans, credit card debt, child support, potential property taxes and insurance, and your overall credit rating. [...]

Home Refinance

Should I refinance my mortgage? Over the last couple of years with interest rates at a 40-year low, many people refinanced their mortgages. Even though rates have crept up over the last couple of months, refinancing may make sense for you. Use our refinance calculator to analyze your situation today. View Calculator

Life Insurance Need

How much life insurance do I need? Planning to meet the financial needs of your survivors is one of the most important and fundamental steps in creating a sound financial plan for you and your family. This step may require the purchase of a life insurance policy to ensure that your family's needs will continue [...]

Loan Acceleration

What is the impact of making extra payments on my debt? Over the course of a loan amortization you will spend hundreds, thousands, and maybe even hundreds of thousands in interest. By making a small additional monthly payment toward principal, you can greatly accelerate the term of the loan and, thereby, realize tremendous savings in [...]

Lease vs Purchase

Should I lease or purchase an auto? Leasing has become a very popular method of acquiring a new auto. Although the payments may seem attractive, it may not always be the best financial decision versus purchasing the vehicle outright and financing it with a low interest loan. Use the following calculator to help analyze the [...]